Hear from our Spring 2024 Interns about their experience at WTCSav.

Q1: How has the WTCSav Internship Program prepared you for entering the job market?

Isabela: I was able to hone in my networking acumen by participating in the many events that WTCSav participated in and hosted. I feel much better prepared to network in a business setting and I’m especially thankful for the many connections I made in the international trade industry thanks to WTCSav.
Ali: This internship program broadened my perspective as I enter the job market because now, I have a better understanding of what qualities and skills the film industry is looking for. My college education provided me with a broad and general set of skills, and every internship I’ve held has honed my skills, making me more versatile and well-rounded.
Taylor: The WTCSav internship program gave me the opportunity to meet people from all around the world and from various industries.

Q2: What advice do you have for current students looking to get an internship?

Isabela: Don’t be afraid to be yourself and be proud of your resume during the interview process. Confidence is a beautiful thing! It’s also beneficial to ask peers and mentors for any introductions they can make – Professionals are happy to help and want to see students succeed.
Ali: My advice for current students applying for internships is to spend more time applying to fewer positions. Take the time to refresh your resume and tailor your cover letter to each position, highlighting your most applicable experiences and stories. Not every position is the same, so why present yourself the same way every time?
Taylor: My advice for current students is to use your school’s resources to check your resume and cover letter. It is important to put your best foot forward because you don’t want a small grammar issue to prevent you from landing that dream internship.

Q3: What was the most rewarding part of your internship? What have you learned?

Isabela: The most rewarding part of my internship was seeing my work be used and appreciated in settings with upper leadership and visiting delegates. It was super cool to see how my research assisted individuals in their decision-making. I learned so much about the various resources and businesses that exist and aid in providing research to businesses who want to engage in international trade.
Ali: The more rewarding part of my internship has been getting to see my work come to fruition and have a direct impact. Whether that’s newsletters I curate, social media posts or a new logo redesign, seeing the result of your work in the world, no matter how small, plays a huge role in my confidence as a creative.
Taylor: The most rewarding part of this internship has been learning more about what World Trade Center Savannah does for the community. Being able to witness all of the hard work that is poured into an event or program has inspired me to find a career that engages in work that I’m proud to be apart of.

Q4: What do you wish you knew before interning that you would like to share with other students?

Isabela: I wish I knew more about the role of organizations like WTCSav and how they work in collaboration with other businesses like SEDA to accomplish the overarching goal of economic development. In my studies throughout college, I had never learned about companies with a more regional approach and I didn’t realize the impact that their work made.
Ali: I wish I knew that at WTCSav, the interns are just as much a part of the team as everyone else. I was initially hesitant to spark conversations with others because I thought we were “just interns,” but here there’s no such thing. Everyone in the office truly wants to get to know you, and your experience will improve greatly when you really embrace everyone as your colleague.
Taylor: I wish I knew how quickly the internship would fly by! I would recommend immersing yourself in the program as much as possible to learn more about what you enjoy in the workplace.

Q5: Would you recommend other students complete WTCSav’s Internship Program? If so, why?

Isabela: I would absolutely recommend other students complete this internship as the experiences you gain and the people you meet are invaluable. There are so many opportunities to learn about the local Savannah area as well as the region as a whole. Additionally, everyone at WTCSav is committed to helping develop your skills including speaking and professional skills to better prepare you for a successful career.
Ali: I would wholeheartedly recommend this internship because although each intern has an assigned department, the office has such a wide diversity of roles and opportunities. I loved getting to chat with people in other departments and learn more about how I can intertwine what I do with them. It has made me a more adaptable and creative worker.
Taylor: I would definitely recommend this internship to other students because World Trade Center Savannah gives you an opportunity to be a part of the team. It gives you the opportunity to apply what you learned at your school in the real world.

Isabela De Lira

Isabela De Lira

Trade Research Intern

University of Georgia

Ali Grutchfield

Ali Grutchfield

Film Intern

Savannah College of Art and Design

Taylor Moore

Taylor Moore

Marketing and Programs Intern

North Carolina Central University