WTCSav provides up-to-date information including industry and market conditions, government regulations and business culture.

We perform market research and analysis, both domestic and international, tailored to meet specific needs. WTCSav delivers customized reports offering industry, product and region specific intelligence and provides detailed market reports on industries in the Savannah region as well as various countries around the world.

Specialized Trade Services include:

  • One-on-one consultation
  • Exclusive analysis by trade and cultural specialists
  • Facilitate entry into new, foreign markets 
  • Identify barriers to import/export and present tangible solutions
  • Establish trade partnerships
  • Private access to numerous databases
  • Professional referrals and business matchmaking
  • Ability to research products and industries on state, country and global level
  • International networking with public and private sectors
  • Updates via e-mail and social media with news affecting markets worldwide
  • Country briefing packets for focused up-to-date information on any destination
  • Domestic and international resources to aid you in the global market
  • Partner you with bankers, lawyers and brokers to meet your specific needs
  • Translation, legal, logistic, travel and other professional referral services

Our trade services are a complementary benefit of partnership with WTCSav. If you are not a WTCSav partner but would like to inquire about trade services, please submit a request for services today to get a quote and see how we can help your business grow internationally. You can learn more about becoming a WTCSav partner here.